Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What Have I Done?! (Am I allowed to use the same blog title twice...and other things I don't know)

I have yet to publish this blog. But I did share it with my trusted advisor (i.e. my wife's best friend), who knows all things Blogs, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.). She said it was awesome and I should publish right away. I have my doubts though...

What am I doing?
Should I share?
Will anybody read this?
Is this funny?
Does this represent what I want it to?

As I type this, this is what is going through my head:

For those of you older than 20, you know what I am talking about. For those of you under 20, welcome to one of the best shows ever created (YouTube it. You won't regret it!).

And, because this blog is supposed to be about my girls, here's a picture:


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