Monday, October 7, 2013

Garcia Family Date Night

The girls love going to "Old McDonalds" (aka Burger King because Whoppers are way better then Big Macs...sorry McDonalds) for family date night. And as luck would have it, we have an "Old McDonalds" (with a playground - score!) within walking/bike riding distance from our house. 
What makes this particular Garcia Family Date Date special is that Maia rode her big girl bike all the way by herself, even across the bouncy suspension bridge! 
I mean this is Maia's moment. But as the Daddy who hauls the extra 70 lbs of girls and bike trailer around town every other day of the week, I'm also claiming this as a personal victory! 

I don't know quite how to put this...but I'm kind of a big deal:


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