Sunday, October 13, 2013

Introducing Eva!

Poor Eva has been a bit neglected in this blog so far. So here is a post dedicated solely to her! 

"Daddy and Reva's Special DAY!" 

In case you can't tell from the video that's what she is shouting, "Daddy and Reva's Special DAY!" And why would you be able to understand her? I'm her Dad and I can barely understand her. (No need to go calling the pediatrician or speech therapist, I assure you she is right on track for a 23 month old).
And she calls herself Reva, not Eva. So let me also assure you that is not a typo.

Maia goes to all day preschool on Tuesday's and Thursday's leaving Eva some much needed alone time with Daddy. She's actually pretty sad when we drop Maia off at school and asks about her frequently throughout the day. I have to reminded her some days that she should be enjoying some alone time with Daddy, that this is her special time with Daddy. She often just looks at me and then asks for Maia to come home... That is why I recorded (admittedly a poor recording) of her being excited about our special day. So that I have proof, one day when she is a teenager, that she did enjoy hanging out with me at one time (or at least she said she enjoyed hanging out with me!).

We go to story time at the library on Thursday mornings and some times another stay-at-home dad friend of mine joins us. Otherwise, it's me and the mom's. I have gotten used to this.

On this particular day we went to the neighborhood park. Enjoy a few picture of Eva in all her playground glory!

More posts on Eva to follow, promise!


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