Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mommy is the greatest!

This happens every other Wednesday:

48 hours of uninterrupted Daddy-Daughter time.

June 1, 2013 My wife, Magan, and I made a MAJOR life change. We packed up and moved the family 350 miles away from Denver to a new home and life in Durango, Colorado. We needed something new, more outdoorsy, and with less material distractions. We wanted our girls to be able to ski/snowboard, hike, camp, be in nature without having to schedule it into our lives and/or have to drive hours to accomplish that goal. We wanted to spend more time together as a family. We wanted our girls to grow up a bit more small town (not too small town, but small town enough where we are friends with our neighbors and can walk or bike most places, which we do). We wanted to spend less time in the car commuting EVERYWHERE.

This is where Magan comes in. Magan's job was awesome enough to negotiate a plan where she could move to Durango AND keep her current position. They allowed Magan to continue to work from home full time with "office face time" every other week. So every other Wednesday we pack Mommy up and send her off to Denver via the not-so glamorous Durango airport. (Sometimes she drives but a 700 mile, 12 hour round trip every other week is not really accomplishing the goal of commuting less, so she flies when she can...or unless the whole "fam damily" is heading to Denver together).

This leaves the girls and me to survive on our own from Wednesday to Friday. And really, it doesn't change much. We FaceTime so we can all get a small daily dose of choppy, broken communication. Magan leaves us with a well organized schedule of daily activities and meals. There is crying, there is whining for Mommy, but there is also whiskey! And we survive. Mommy really is the greatest!


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