Friday, October 4, 2013

Oh Boy...Literally

I think I actually felt a little piece of my heart break today!

When I picked up my 3 year old from preschool, she whispered to a boy. When I asked her what he said to him she told me that she just told him goodbye. But on the way home she says this to me: "Daddy, I think Chase is handsome!"  
WHAT? She's 3! Just yesterday I was the handsome one. Now there's Chase! A little fire (a white hot fire) showed up from no where and I had a sudden desire to go to that little boy's house (little home wrecker!) and tell him to stay away from my little girl. (Just in case Chase's parents ever get wind of this... To be fair, Chase could be any boy. Insert any name here. Wouldn't matter!).

Preschool. Boys. Handsome boys. This was a first, of many, and I don't like it. Stop the little girl growing up ride, I want to get off. 


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