Monday, November 18, 2013

Ice Skating (Week 2)

Today was rough. And it had nothing to do with ice skating. But it manifested itself in ice skating. 

Maia was off the charts emotional today. Crazy emotional. I'm pretty sure I experienced a glimpse into my future with teenage girls. Geez. All I can say is that there is going to be a lot of time spent locked in the bathroom in my future. I know locking yourself in the bathroom sounds like a teenage girl thing to do, but I think I will be taking it up too if/when we have more days like today. 

So, how does this relate to ice skating? Well, she pouted through the first 20 mins. She refused to smile or enjoy herself or put forth much of an effort. If I'm allowed to claim myself an "athlete" for a good portion of my life, it was all I had in me not to turn into my old football coaches and yell at her to suck it up and stop being such a pansy (or other expletives!).

She did get it together eventually. Especially when the awesome guy coach took her under his wing and gave her some personal lessons. Again...teenage girl behavior!

Before lesson:

We were more prepared with snow pants and a helmet today. Her skating did improve a little. Next week will be better. It HAS to be. 

After lesson:


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