Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas! Santa (and God) have been good to us this year! We stayed in Durango, just the 4 of us, and stayed in our sweatpants all day. No place to be and no commitments to anybody. It was a very nice change of pace from all the crazy running around we have done for so many years prior. Although we did find that we missed our families very much as the day wore on. 

We made it to Christmas Eve mass at the church where Maia goes to preschool. We went to the children's mass at 3:30 pm and they use glow sticks instead of candles for the kids. It was a little like being at a Christmas rave!

(Notice my tie. I don't get the opportunity to dress up very often these days but when I do... Pretty proud of my tie!) 

(Missed the timer on this one...)

We decorated and ate Christmas cookies.

Our elf, Thomas, blocked off the living room just in case we had any late night sneaking about!

On Christmas, the girls found that they had been good enough for Santa to make a visit! Maia did get her "prince" (a male Barbie doll) and Eva got her new baby. The girls were also incredibly spoiled by their friends and family - thanks everybody for helping to make the girls so happy with all their new toys!  

Maia got new nail polish...Mommy was super happy about that! Looks GREAT!!

We received our first of many, I'm sure, homemade ornaments. And yes, I got teary about it.

Eva ate WAY too much candy for breakfast as evidence by this video!

2013 has brought SO many unexpected changes... But as we look back, we know we are exactly where we are supposed to be (location and life). Looking forward to whatever 2014 has in store for us. Bring it on 2014!

Hoping all our friends and family have also been so blessed this year. Happy New Year!


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