Monday, December 16, 2013

Ice Skating (Week 6)

This was our last week of ice skating lessons in this series. And good timing. Maia is about done with ice skating for a while. Maybe it's because this was the last week and she knew she was going to be "tested" so she really stepped it up, but her skills improved dramatically since last week. Maybe hockey dad was right (refer back to Week 1). She suddenly got it. Or maybe she just wanted to make sure she passed the test and didn't need to repeat this ice skating business! 

She did in fact pass! And not only the skill set for Snowplow Sam 1 but the skill set for Snowplow Sam 2 as well! Proud Daddy here! 

Alrighty then. Ice skating done. What's next? Dancing and piano lessons are her next requests. Oh and you want a pony too??!! I'll see what I can work out!  


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