Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Gymnastics (Week 4)

We had an exciting Eva breakthrough this week! She suddenly became independent! From the moment she ran into the gym (she didn't need me to hold her hand and walk with her this week) to all the exercises and circuits, she lead the way and wanted to try new things on her own. Eva tends to be a little timid with new things and typically wants Mommy or Daddy to help her and reassure her consistently. But she's got this gymnastics thing down! And even though she is the youngest in her class, her skills surpass most of the other kids. This little athlete continues to surprise me everyday!  

Free time play!


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Innocence At It's Best!

Maia was "reading" e-books on Magan's phone. She suddenly stopped, ran upstairs to her room and returned with the change from her piggy bank. She asked where we put the money for a new book!!! I just sort of swelled up from the sweetness! And she got a new $4.00 e-book...


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gymnastics (Week 3)

No, these are not duplicate photos from Week 1, although they could be. Eva continues to enjoy herself very much and her confidence (especially in the balance beams and the rings) is growing each week. That's all for now! 

P.S. Yep, got a haircut.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

All You Need Is Love!

I woke up this morning with a migraine. Great. Magan is out of town so I had my work cut out for me. Seriously, this always happens when she gone. 
Luckily, today was a school day for Maia. Decided I better tough it out (come on pansy, it's just a headache). Off to school, make some small talk with the Moms, Eva and I go to story time at the library, more small talk with Moms and the one other stay-at-home Dad. We Dad's represent at library story hour! Meanwhile my head is splitting. Lunch and nap time for Eva. I should be resting but there are chores to be done, dishes and vacuum. You know the Mr. Mom stuff.
Eva and I pick up Maia from school my head feels like it is in a vice. We get home and I tell the girls to pick out a movie because Daddy has a bad headache. Luckily they picked out a quiet one. Eva decided to read some books instead, nerd!
I haven't closed my eyes for more than maybe minute when Maia comes over and kisses my forehead then snuggles up close while holding my hand. Headache gone!

I Love my girls! I feel blessed and loved!
Thank you girls. Come home Mommy. Holding down the fort but wish you were here!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Gymnastics (Week 2)

This week gymnastics focused on balance. And jumping! Eva gets around by jumping most days (seriously, she jumps constantly) so this was pretty much right up her alley. Enjoy!
