Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Eva Starts Pre-School!

Another first day in the books for the Garcia's - Eva started Pre-School! After watching Maia go to the same school for the past 2 years (The Methodist Christain School) that Eva now attends, Eva was beyond ready for this next step in her own life. She was so excited to pick out her own backpack and school supplies and get this party started! Lucky for Eva, she is in a classroom and with a teacher that Maia never had so this journey feels different and all her own. 

This "first" also feels very different for me and Magan. Although we are back to rookie status with elementary school, we've got this pre-school business in the bag! This "first" was significantly less stressful in terms of getting prepared and knowing what to expect. But...Eva is our baby and so this "first" is also our "last" and as much as, Magan especially, hates to admit it, we are feeling a little sappy about our baby growing up. Luckily, Eva will only go to school 2 full days a week so we still have plenty of time to keep her all to ourselves. And secretly I'm not ready to give up the park and ice cream dates and middle of the day movies quite yet. So slow down the growing kid...I still need my playtime partner in crime! 

I think they missed eachother.
