Monday, May 4, 2015


This last weekend wrapped up another year of dance for the Garcia girls. Sent out in style with a weekend full of costumes and makeup and hair and recitals (this was all Magan...I can do a pretty awesome pony tail or side braid, but this weekend's requirements were way beyond my skill set)! 
This was Eva's first year of dance so she had a mini-recital at the dance studio. You wouldn't have known she wasn't on the big stage with her performance. She was so proud to show off! She has really come out of her shell since she started dance and her self confidence is obvious once she puts her ballet shoes on. The only thing she likes more than dance is her teacher, Miss Miriam. Thanks to Miss Miriam for making Eva's first dance experience so special! 

This is Eva's sign for "I Love You".

Maia did dance on the big stage in front of the big audience for the second year in a row. She was amazing! They danced to a song from the movie "South Pacific" and now Maia is obsessed with all the songs from that movie! I cannot even find the words to describe how cool it is to watch my girl perform in front of a sold out crowd during such a skilled show. Proud Daddy for sure! 
Thank you Durango Dance and all of the teachers (especially Miss Kristen, Miss Jessica, and Miss Miriam) for not only teaching my girls to dance but also for helping to grow their self confidence. See ya next fall dance class!
