Friday, August 1, 2014

Gymnastics Update

In between all of our other summer activities, both girls have been spending a lot of time at the gym. 
Eva has been in gymnastics since early this year. Maia took her first gymnastics class earlier this summer. After the first session both girls were invited to join advanced classes! 
Eva is only two and a half but she was invited to join the three years and above class. And Maia was invited to join an advanced skills class. 
I couldn't be prouder! Seriously, these girls and their athletic ability amaze me! 
They both have shown a lot of improvement and they both still get excited to go every week, so I guess we will stick with gymnastics for a while. They will also start their mountain biking classes again in a few weeks and Maia will continue with preschool and dance. Looks like it will be a busy fall. 


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