Completely on her own, Maia decided to take off her training wheels today. We were getting ready for a bike ride - helmets and such - and when I turned around she had a wrench and was going at them. I gave her the benefit of the doubt but fully expected to bolt the training wheels back on within a matter of minutes.
In true Maia fashion, she had made up her mind and there was no looking back. She literally got on her bike and took off! WHAT?
Yep, we went to the grassy park to practice and she just rode away on 2 wheels! We practiced some and then came home to get Magan to document this accomplishment. It crossed my mind that she was just having beginners luck but she replicated the success and just got better with every pass!
I'm always one proud Daddy when it comes to my girls successes, but this one REALLY surprised me. Of course she fell several times (she even made a sharp right turn and ran straight to to a house in the alley before I could catch her - oops) but she NEVER gave up! She got some scratches and bumps but she got right back on her bike every time and asked for more until I had to force her to give it up for the night (mostly because I'm pretty sure I ran a couple of miles worth of sprints today and am way more tired then she is!).
Seriously Proud Dad here! I can't believe determined she was to make this happen! (Maybe because Eva is getting really good on her bike too with her lessons and Maia is afraid her little sister's skills are about to pass her up... But I'll take it!).
Check out the videos. Sorry, you probably need to watch them on an actual computer but pictures of bike riding are not nearly as good as action shots!