Monday, September 30, 2013

JCPenney Rocks!

Dear JCPenney,
I know your stocks are currently tanking but if it's any consolation, my 3 year old thinks your in-store play list rocks...(and I found some great deals on flannel shirts) thanks!


What Have I Done?!

5:42 am: 
My 3 year old: "Wakey, Wakey eggs and bacon-y". This is my alarm clock the majority of the time these days.

8:02 am:
My 3 year old is now dressed in her Monday best: Not 1 but 2 dresses, pants, shorts, a tutu, and sun hat. My 1 (almost 2) year old is naked and asking for a slice of cheese. I have yet to finish a cup of coffee and breakfast looks like it's going to consist of dry cereal (and sliced cheese) today.

9:27 am:
There is now a political debate going on regarding the proper way to respond to "I love you", every puzzle piece in the house is in one giant pile with no hopes of even 1 puzzle being completed, and both children are now requesting to do their (and my) make up which means massive amounts of pink Lip Smacker chap stick will be smeared liberally across their (and my) faces.

It's Monday, which means there is no hope for the relief of preschool, library story hour, gymnastics class or dance class. It will just be the 3 of us all day long.

11:30 am:
We have finally made it to our daily quiet time ritual, or what I call Heaven. Both children are in their respective areas for 2 hours of blissful, uninterrupted (yeah right) my 3 year old comes out to say, "Daddy I need to go potty" for the 8th time.

I could go on but let me take a moment to explain how I came to this place in my life...and this blog.

In an unexpected twist of fate in April of 2013 I became a stay-at-home dad to my 2 daughters. Prior to this new stage in my life I was a full-time working father. And when I say full-time working father, I mean putting in 13-14 hours a day at the office (including Saturdays). So to say I was absent for of a good majority of the time my young family had been a family would not be completely inaccurate.
What I initially imagined would be a great opportunity to relax a bit while starting some daddy-daughter boot camp, you know, really get my girls behavior in check, has in reality not been very relaxing at all (who knew stay-at-home parenting was a 13-14 hour a day job...kidding), and as it turns out, my girls are in charge, not me.

In the last 7 months, I have done more laughing, shouting, crying, cursing than I think I have ever done before in any "stage" in my life. I hope to use this blog to capture a glimpse of these crazy times and just maybe provide a bit of a journal (if you will) for my girls to refer back to when they need some guidance, or reassurance, that we are just doing the best we can with what we've got!

The Players: 


Broncos Fan, Whiskey Connoissseur, Movies Lover, Outdoorsy, and Family Man. 


Supportive, Smart, World Traveler Wannabe, Expert Sleeper, Little Crazy!


Energetic, Dramatic, Loud, Wants to be the BOSS of the World!


Loving, Independent, Funny, Has a TEMPER!

First time Blogger, bear with me.
